Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

Accupedo-Pro Pedometer Widget Full APK v1.9.3

An intelligent 3D motion recognition algorithm is embedded to track only walking patterns by filtering and ejecting out non walking activities. Accupedo counts your steps regardless of where you put your phone like your pocket, waist belt, or bag. Be healthy by setting up your daily goal and accurately monitoring your steps with Accupedo. Accupedo – Intelligent Pedometer Widget for your daily walking counts

Accupedo-Pro is an accurate Pedometer Widget that monitors your daily walking on the Home screen. ++++ ATTENTION ++++ Test with a free Accupedo to see if your phone works well with Accupedo-Pro before purchasing it. Some phones do not support the G-sensor in SLEEP (STANDBY, when screen is OFF) mode by those phone manufacturers. This is not a defect of this app.

++++ Features ++++
  1. ● The intelligent algorithm starts tracking after 4-12 CONSECUTIVE steps, then stops and restarts automatically as you walk.
  2. ● Customizable widget display modes: steps, distance, minutes, calories, and Trip A.
  3. ● Daily log history: step counts, distance, calories, and walking time.
  4. ● Charts: Daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly step counts.
  5. ● Customized power usage mode options for efficient power saving.
  6. ● Customized personal settings: sensitivity, metric/english, step distance, body weight, daily goal, etc.
  7. ● Concise widget display on Home screen.
  8. ● A “odometer” function for steps (Trip A)
  9. ● Resume/Pause/Reset
  10. ● Widget skin colors: black, blue, green, orange, pink
  11. ● Screen on/off option
  12. ● Email a daily log file
  13. ● Database import and export
  14. ● Manual step count addition and subtraction
  15. ● Language option: default and English


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