Selasa, 13 November 2012

3G Watchdog Pro

3G Watchdog Pro APK
Download 3G Watchdog Pro apk, Guarding you against costly internet overages.
Pro version of 3G Watchdog mobile data counter / monitoring app, featuring:
* Advanced data usage prediction
* Billing rules (counts in blocks, ignores uploads)
* Usage history with graph & CSV export
* Usage by application (Android 2.2+, unavailable on Dell Streak)
* 5 widget styles
* Backup/restore
* Redesigned UI
* Account/SIM with auto switch (requires a phone with a SIM)
* Import settings & data from 3GW free (don't uninstall 3GW free before importing!)
* ... and more!

* Billing rule to exclude local 4G (LTE) traffic.
* Roaming quota carryover.
* FIXed option "Auto disable network at xx % roaming quota used" not saved.
* FIXed unable to reset time for a one day plan period ("last started on" button hidden).
* FIXed repetitive roaming usage alert.

Download Here

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