Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

Changelog Droid Premium Full APK 3.0.1

Are you tired of going through every updated application on the Android Market to see what the developer has changed? Changelog Droid solves this problem by fetching all information directly from the Android Market after or (NEW!) before you update them. Watch all the changes of your apps AFTER or BEFORE updating them! Premium Version without Ads and with cool Themes!

- Internet: Access to Market
- Access Network State: Check connection status.
- Get Accounts, Use Credentials: Get athentification token for the Google account. Needed for access to market over Market API.
- Receive Boot Completed: Registering background service for update checking.
- Wake Lock: Assure that internet is connected when checking for updates in background.
- Read Logs: Obtaining the Android ID from the GTalk Status Monitor.
- Manage the accounts list: Invalidating the cached authentication token on Devices with Android 2.1 and lower.

Key Features:
- Update notification and manual update check.
- All the recent changes directly from the market.
- Saving traffic by prefetching only a couple of changelogs, expanding the list as you scroll it.
- Caching changelogs for a speed boost at next start up.
- Blacklist for apps, that you don't want to update.
- Quick Search for all of your apps (Search key or long pressing the Menu key).
- many more...


Note:Please visit market for better description, Content represent here for informational and educational purpose only.

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